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Let's talk about Wind!

Nov 22

1 min read




The past few days in Atlanta has been rather windy.

Wind can affect newly planted shrubs and trees. 

Wind can push tree and shrub canopies toward the side.

To help prevent this, We recommend staking newly planted trees. This will keep a tree upright until the root system is strong enough to stand wind. 

With shrubs the only prevention is to properly install shrubs. Proper compaction around the shrub is key to keep it from uprooting. 

Wind also has great benefits. 

Plants and trees use the wind to create seeds.  Many trees specifically pine and Oak trees use wind to create new trees.  Wind disperses pollen with the hope that the pollen will travel to and fertilize a viable egg, under the right conditions, a seed will develop.

Wind increases the supply of carbon dioxide to plants, which leads to greater photosynthesis rates.

Let Hannah Outdoor Designs create your dream yard!

Nov 22

1 min read





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